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Our foundation

Emergency aid, development cooperation, non-profit

The Aide & Assistance Foundation is part of Johanniter and Malteser worldwide. It was initially founded in 1994 as a section of the Malteser Hospital Service Switzerland. From the beginning, the purpose and aim of the Foundation was to provide material humanitarian aid to hospitals or educational institutions in need, regardless of geographical borders. In doing so, the Foundation's activities are predominantly based on the commitment of numerous volunteers from all over Switzerland.


On January 1, 2013, this commitment was transferred into an independent foundation of the Order of Malta Switzerland in order to be able to organize the steadily growing commitment more effectively and professionally.

our mission

We provide people around the world with access to health and medical treatment by

recycling medical goods from all over Switzerland. As the only organization in Switzerland, we collect hospital material that is no longer required but still functional and transport it to hospitals in need around the world.


With an average of 50 transports per year, several thousand children and adults worldwide have access to health. The CO2 emissions for scrapping are saved and the transport costs only about half of what scrapping would cost in Switzerland. We work mostly on a voluntary basis and are supported by volunteer employees. Our motivation and basic attitude are: Share health!

Person mit Krücken
Doktor Talking to Boy im Rollstuhl
Athlet mit amputiertem Bein

With your commitment, you enable thousands of children and adults to have access to better and more appropriate medical treatment.

Thank you for your support.

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