On 28 November 2023, over 100 guests gathered for this year's charity evening.
In the Heiliggeistkirche in Berne, the audience was first enchanted by the sounds of the Academic Festival Overture in C minor by Johannes Brahms and the Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor by Ludwig van Beethoven. The Berner Konzertorchester played under the direction of Ingo Becker and Ricardo Acosta performed brilliantly as a soloist on the piano.
The invited guests were then invited to an aperitif riche. After welcoming the guests, Alessandro Marangoni (President of the Foundation) gave an overview of Aide & Assistance's highlights for 2023:
So far, almost 50 forty-tonne trucks filled with aid material have been sent to needy institutions all over the world.
Thanks to a generous donation, it was possible to finance the drilling of a well for a health centre in Kenya, including materials and work, as well as the purchase and installation of a solar-powered electric pump.
Eight aid containers filled with care materials were promptly delivered to a nursing home in Chile that fell victim to a major fire.
Thanks to the three collection days organised in aid of the suffering population in Ukraine, several trucks were successfully filled with urgently needed relief supplies.
A big thank you to our donors who make it possible for us to spread health around the world!