War has been raging in Ukraine for almost two years and there is still no end in sight. Important infrastructures have been destroyed and have plunged the entire country into great debt – poverty is immense. The most basic necessities are lacking everywhere. Especially the heat and energy supply is endangered and there are daily power outages.
In view of the cold winter, we therefore call again for a collection day for the suffering population in Ukraine: Saturday, October 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at our warehouse in Embrach
Brägger + Thomann
Embraport A
8424 Embrach
The following relief goods are needed:
Warm, clean and intact winter cloting (and please only such) for children, womend and men
Thermal underwear (washed)
Wool blankets (washed, in good condition)
Thermal rescue blankets (original packaging)
Sleeping bags
Medecines for colds and fever, painkillers (not expired, original packaging)
Dressing material (original packaging)
Disinfectant (original packaging)
Hygiene articles: Wet wipes, tampons and sanitary napkins, disposable washcloths
Durable food in unopened original packaging: canned food of all kinds, pasta, rice, instant noodles (which can be prepared with hot water)
Flashlight and batteries (AA and AAA)
Power generators and (charged or solar powered) power stations of any size
In addition, we are dependent on financial donations for our transports to the war region. Every swiss franc is welcome.
Malteser Stiftung Aide & Assistance – Note: Ukraine Aid
Raiffeisenbank Sensetal IBAN-Nr.: CH23 8080 8002 1342 9990 5 SWIFT/BIC: RAIFCH 22905