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2021 - We shared Health with over 50,000 people worldwide!

A few weeks ago, we received the following beautiful message from our cooperation partner in Ghana: "Dear Maltese, thank you very much for your urgently needed delivery of relief supplies. We were finally able to fill all hospital rooms in Wiamose with beds. We are grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts." Such statements confirm to us again and again how important it is to share health worldwide.

According to the WHO, more than half of the world's population does not have comprehensive access to basic and essential health services. We want to change this and provide better access to health for children and adults worldwide. We share health with them. The principle is simple: we recycle medical supplies that are no longer needed but still in perfect condition and transport them to needy regions around the world.

In 2021, over 50,000 children and adults in hospitals and old people's homes worldwide could benefit from this. 33 trucks and containers were loaded with materials from Swiss old people's homes, hospitals and schools and sent to Bulgaria, Burundi, Ghana, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary.

And our partner, the Johanniter Hilfsgemeinschaft Schweiz, was able to send ten trucks with aid material collected by us to various hospitals and psychiatric institutions in Poland. These transports were accompanied and supervised by experienced Swiss volunteers to ensure that the high-quality medical technology really got to where it was urgently needed.

We would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers who work tirelessly for our mission and foundation. We would also like to thank the organisations that donate their material again and again so that we can deliver it to needy regions. And last but not least - a big thank you goes to all our donors. Without these regular donations, it would not be possible for the Aide & Assistance Foundation to finance so many relief transports. Thank you very much!

Picture: Children and teachers of an African school thank the Malteser Foundation Aide & Assistance very creatively for an aid container with school furniture.

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