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Collaboration for a Good Cause

Writer's picture: Aide & AssistanceAide & Assistance

Media release from 02/09/2024

The Swiss Johanniter and the Order of Malta Switzerland are expanding their cooperation within the Foundation Aide & Assistance.


The Foundation Aide & Assistance of the catholic Order of Malta Switzerland and the protestant Swiss Johanniter Relief Organisation can look back on a long period of successful collaboration in the context of the aid transports carried out by both organisations.

By approving an amendment to the statutes of the Aide & Assistance Foundation, the Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations has now paved the way for a collaboration that legally regulates the existing cooperation and at the same time creates the possibility of joining forces to organise even more help and assistance for people in need worldwide.

The charitable foundation now operates under the name "Johanniter-Malteser Stiftung Aide & Assistance". It is funded on voluntary work and financed by donations from private individuals, foundations and companies.


The Johanniter-Malteser Stiftung Aide & Assistance:

The Johanniter-Malteser Stiftung Aide & Assistance Foundation ( is recognised as a charitable organisation and is based in Fribourg. It collects high-quality, intact hospital equipment and furniture that is no longer used in Switzerland, as well as school furniture, and places it in needy institutions around the world for further use via the networks of the Order of Malta and Johanniterorden.


On average, one container or articulated lorry full of relief supplies leaves Switzerland every week, currently mainly to Ukraine and its neighbouring countries, where refugees and people affected by the war are being taken in and treated. However, a number of aid shipments were also sent to Chile and several African countries in 2023.

To mark the collaboration, the foundation is asking for donations for the aid shipments planned for this year.


Account for Donations:                                                       Contact:

Johanniter-Malteser Stiftung Aide & Assistance                 Alessandro Marangoni, President

Note: Collaboration                                                     

Raiffeisenbank Sensetal                                                              

IBAN-Nr.: CH23 8080 8002 1342 9990 5






In the photo from left to right:

Andreas Jaross (CEO), Fra’ Alessandro de Franciscis (Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta), Felix von Saucken (Ordenswerkmeister of the Johanniterorden), Daniel Hug (Vice-President of Aide & Assistance), Alessandro Marangoni (President of Aide & Assistance), Verena Vorwerk (Hospitaller of the Order of Malta Switzerland), Martin von Walterskirchen zu Wolfsthal (President of the Order of Malta Switzerland), Daniel Gutscher (Commander of the Swiss Johanniterorden), Branco von Hoensbroech (Deputy CEO) and Thomas Vorwerk (President of the Swiss Johanniter Relief Organisation).

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